"Living our Faith, Learning in Love"

"I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot, together we can do great things" Mother Teresa

"Love one another as I have loved you"John 13:34



My Sister

I want to understand you,

Your beautiful, creative mind,

The funny things you like to do,

The times you are unkind.

I want to understand you,

The words you try to say,

The silly things you like to do,

The way you like to play.

I want to understand you,

I know this will take time,

You like to do things a little differently,

And that is absolutely fine.

(by Sally)



The intent of Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) provision at All Saints' Catholic Primary School is:


That all children with SEND thrive and achieve success. We are proud to be an inclusive school and we work hard to support all our children, ensuring that the necessary provision, adjustments and resources are put into place for those pupils that have specific educational needs.

All learners are enabled to reach their full potential and by providing an environment where barriers to learning are reduced to a minimum, we help them to feel respected, confident and therefore able to succeed.

We are keen to encourage effective partnerships with all our parents/carers, recognising the key role they play in encouraging their child to have a growth mindset, aim high and achieve their very best.

We value the importance of making links with specialists from the wider community, exploring and developing ways to enable their involvement. Through he application of the SEND policy, we aim to;


  • Ensure the school fulfils the requirements of The code of Practice for SEN (DfE 2015) and The Equality Act 2010
  • Ensure the earliest possible identification of an additional need
  • Involve parents as partners in the additional needs process
  • Regularly monitor and review each child's progress and take appropriate action
  • Make clear partnerships with outside agencies and support facilities
  • Cater wherever possible for the full range of special needs within school
  • To provide support and advice for all staff working with special educational needs
  • To enable children to move on from us well equipped in both core and foundation subjects and social independence
  • Where appropriate involve the children in planning and decision making



We believe that every teacher is a teacher of SEND. Every class teacher employs Quality First Teaching to meet the individual needs of pupils. Class teachers are responsible for the progress and development of all the pupils in their class. Class teachers make regular observations and assessments of all children in their class for all 4 areas of need; communication and interaction, cognition and learning, social, emotional and mental health and sensory and physical. If children are identified as having difficulties in any of above areas, relevant and appropriate support is put in place.

For some children, reasonable adjustments and differentiation in class may not be enough and therefore some children will have access to targeted interventions to support their needs.

We follow Trafford's Graduated Approach and the 4 part cycle of assess, plan, do, review. Children with SEN will be monitored and progress assessed using their Individual Educational Plan (IEP). Communication between school  and parents/carers is crucial in addressing a child's needs.

If the pupil continues to make no or little progress, the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) works with the class teacher to complete the forms for referrals to outside agencies. Outside agencies may include any number of the following

  • Specific learning difficulties consultant
  • Educational psychology service
  • Behaviour support service
  • Speech and language therapy service
  • Pre-School advisory service
  • Social services
  • Mental health services


For a very small number of pupils, in-school support may still not adequately support their needs. At this point an Educational Healthcare Plan (EHCP) can be requested. The purpose of the EHCP is to make special provision to meet the special educational needs of the child, to secure the best possible outcomes for them across education, health and social care and as they get older prepare them for adulthood. Children with EHCP's have annual reviews in order to review the appropriateness of the provision and to recommend to the local authority whether any changes need to be made.



Attainment and progress of SEND pupils.


KS2 SATS 2023


  • Reading -75% achieved aged related expectations.
  • Writing - 50% achieved aged related expectations.
  • Maths-  100% achieved aged related expectations.
  • Spelling, punctuation and grammar- 75% achieved aged related expectations.



