"Living our Faith, Learning in Love"

"I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot, together we can do great things" Mother Teresa

"Love one another as I have loved you"John 13:34



heart Welcome to our Nursery Class page heart


“Here we are together a happy family,

boys and girls and teachers happy as can be,

working hard and sharing,

having lots of fun

and never ever giving up until our work is done.”


Our first few weeks in Nursery....
Working very hard in our mud kitchen
We are very fit in Nursery taking part in the daily mile
We love using the computers each week

Squeeezy faces at the Dough Disco.🎶🎶🕺💃

Collective Worship.

Getting ready for Christmas heart

We went over to big school to hang our Advent promises on the Christmas tree. Please look out for them as you enter our school via the Office.

❤️ LOVE ❤️ JOY ❤️ PEACE ❤️ HOPE ❤️

Look at our wonderful Stars and Angels from our Nativity.

We are so very proud of all the children. 

We have been working hard and learning new skills with the Manchester United coaches this term. 
Thank you to all our Mummies, Daddies and Grand parents that came to our Christmas craft morning today. We loved having you working with us in our classroom.
We had a great time at our Christmas party

Working hard in Santa’s Grotto
