Year 4
Welcome to Year 4 with Miss Latus, Mrs Moores and Miss Meehan
'Living our Faith, Learning in Love'
'I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things' Mother Teresa
'Love one another as I have loved you' John 13:34
Home Learning Challenges
Is your shelter waterproof?

Is your shelter waterproof?

Is your shelter waterproof?

Is your shelter waterproof?

Is your shelter waterproof?

Commando Joe's. Year 4 have been looking at Bear Grylls and his survival skills. The first mission they had was to transfer water from the 'river' to their water bottle. We learnt that being quick wasn't the best tactic, the groups who were more careful and took longer spilled far less water! Mission 2, the children had to retrieve food from unstable ground without stepping on the ground. Both of the missions required brilliant communication and teamwork skills.
Science Week! We watched a live lesson streamed to us from a farm in the UK. The vet showed us how they check a cow is healthy. We had a go at some of the checks on ourselves afterwards. We checked our pulse, breathing, eyes, gums and skin tension. We also planted some seeds to observe how they germinate and grow over time.
The Daily Mile is always great to break up our mornings