RE Summer 2 The Church
In the Summer Term the theme is ‘The Church’.
It is the time when we celebrate the great feast of Pentecost and the growth of the early church. By now the children will have a real sense of ‘belonging’ to their class and school community. The children will begin to learn that they belong to the Church family.
You can help your child by:
- Taking part in the Church’s celebration each week at Mass in person or online All Saint's Church, Ashton-on-Mersey, Sale - 164 Carrington Lane, Ashton-on-Mersey, England (
Saturday Evening Mass 5:00pm
Sunday Masses 9:30am and 5:00pm
- Helping your child to learn the simple familiar prayers e.g. the Sign of the Cross, the Our Father, the Hail Mary, morning prayer, night prayer, etc. This can be done easily by simply saying the prayers regularly with them.
- Helping your child to recognise people in their Church family, e.g. the priest as well as the other members of the parish.
- Encouraging your child to take part in the Children’s Liturgy online
Every Sunday at 11am on Zoom
Meeting ID 492 4479700
Password - Sunday
- During Mass- Give your child a simple children’s Mass book with pictures and pointing out to them what is happening.
- Spending some quiet time before or after Mass (or other suitable time) to point out the tabernacle where Jesus is present in a special way. By using these long words (with a simple explanation) the child will become familiar with them.
- Teaching your child to genuflect or bow the head towards the tabernacle as a sign of reverence before they enter the bench.
- Helping them to appreciate the different people involved in keeping the church beautiful because it is God’s House and a place of prayer.
This is the final theme for the school year. We hope that you have enjoyed working in partnership with us to enable your child to begin to understand what it means to be a member of a family at home, at school and at church.
We have enjoyed talking about our 'Family at Home' . We shared how we make our family special by helping and working together as a team to create a happy home. All families are different and work together in different ways...
We know we belong to a 'School Family'. We all work hard together with our friends and teachers to create a happy school
We know we belong to 'The Family of God , Our Church Family'. We enjoy singing lots of songs about belonging to the family of God...