"Living our Faith, Learning in Love"

"I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot, together we can do great things" Mother Teresa

"Love one another as I have loved you"John 13:34



For the next few weeks, Carol Vordermans maths website `Maths Factor` website if free. It has lots of activities for the children to complete. 


A few Maths lessons from White Rose. 

Have a go at this mental maths quiz  - good luck!


Maths lessons from White Rose. There are 4 lessons and the answers are uploaded underneath each work book.


Maths lessons from White Rose. There are 4 lessons and the answers are uploaded underneath each work book.


Maths lessons from White Rose. There are 4 lessons and the answers are uploaded underneath each work book. I have also uploaded the power points that go with each lesson. 


Maths lessons from White Rose. There are 4 lessons and the answers are uploaded underneath each work book. 


Maths lessons from White Rose. There are 4 lessons and the answers are uploaded underneath each work book. 



Try these Maths lessons from White Rose. There are 4 lessons and the answers are uploaded underneath each work book. 



  • Time tables can be practiced on TT Rockstars, and also by singing along to songs on youtube - Jack Hartmann ones are popular in our classroom. Hit the button is also a good website for increasing the speed of their times tables. 
  • White Rose have put together weekly home learning packs for the Summer Term with daily learning clips, activities and answers. Summer Term - Week 3 (w/c 4th May) focuses on multiplying and dividing 2 or 3 digit numbers.   Using this link you can download these lessons. The home learning packs change each week and have daily lessons you can work through with your children. Watch the lesson clip, then download the activity and answers to work through. 
  • Below are some home learning packs with a mixture of questions which can be used to recap previous methods we have learned. There will be a different focus each week.