"Living our Faith, Learning in Love"

"I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot, together we can do great things" Mother Teresa

"Love one another as I have loved you"John 13:34



🎊Celebrations 🎊

Prophecy and Promise 

A beautiful end to a busy term, celebrating Holy Mass with the whole school. So proud of our Reception children for placing the crib figures into our new crib so perfectly…


We enjoyed performing the 'Nativity Story' for our famililes 


Jingle all the Way

We had a fabulous time on the school field being creative outside 

We problem solved, created and explored…

Ring out the Bells…

We enjoyed meeting Father Christmas...

What an exciting morning! Reception walked to the post box and posted their letters to Father Christmas.

Reception are making a soft bed for baby Jesus…Whenever they do something that is kind or helpful towards their friends,they are given a piece of soft straw to place in the crib for Jesus🙏🏼. #Advent #Peace #Love #Joy🙏🏼👣 

Finding different representations of the numbers 6, 7, and 8.

We can retell the Nativity story brilliantly! Well done children...

Following on from our Advent Mass, it was lovely to see our parents come back to school for Stay and Pray.

We had so much fun picking our ingredients for our very own pizzas!

Bonjour, reception have been learning how to say different colours in French. 

This week we have been comparing mass. We have asked lots of questions to find out which object is heavier and which is lighter, what happens when we put a heavy object on scales and are large objects always heavier than smaller ones? 

The children have been talking about how the cold weather changed our outside area.

Observations included: the ice is crunchy and hard, it's frosty, the grass is crunchy, the logs look like snow sprinkles, warm water is melting the ice, the ice is hard to break and I need to smash it. 

Reception are developing their running, jumping, skipping, throwing and catching skills. We have been learning to follow instructions, work with a partner or by ourselves. 

Good News…

We enjoy sharing good news in Reception


Our Tapestry Online Journal is full of good news from our families


What good news do the children have to share?

We asked the children to share some good news about an activity they enjoy doing outside school. We asked the parents to support the children with this activity…


The children thought carefully about the questions below, to enable them to talk confidently and answer questions independently.


Think about: What is your chosen activity? Where do you do your activity? Does it need any special equipment? How do you feel when you do this activity? Are you tired afterwards? Why is this your favourite activity?

We are going to hear some very special good news. Are we all


The Annunciation

Mary a Young Girl…

We looked on a map and found Nazareth

We talked about Mary and her life and what it was like in Nazareth … We watched a video clip from Nazareth Village. We looked at the setting, clothing, buildings and the activities Mary and her family might have taken part in.


We sang an Angel came from heaven and listened to the story, ‘The Angel Gabriel comes to see Mary’.

Godly Play

We read a scripture passage from Luke 1:19 and used small world items to retell the scripture passage.


During whole class Prayer time we thanked Mary for saying ‘Yes’ to God.


We know, Mary said yes to God and became the mother of His son Jesus.

We are learning to pray the ‘Hail Mary’ and the Lovely Lady prayer

We enjoyed time in the prayer garden retelling the scripture passage.


We enjoyed hot seating -taking on the role of Mary.

The children asked Mary questions

What were you doing when the Angel arrived ?

How did you feel?

What did you say to the Angel?


We worked in small groups thinking about the scripture passage… We decorated a heart to represent Mary’s love for God and her willingness to say “yes” to the angel. We each wrote the word Yes on a heart.

We talked about Mary’s Good News..

• Who can we tell about Mary’s good news?

• What can we tell them?


Re-telling and performing the story of 'The Little Red Hen'.  

We all enjoyed bonfire night through song, dancing and mark-making…

Why do we wear a Poppy?…

We have enjoyed exploring this question through discussions and active creative learning…


Creation and Good to Be Me

God created the world and said, ‘Indeed it is very good’(Genesis 1:31 ).

The whole of Creation shows God love for us (Laudato Si’ 84–88 ).

This half term, the children will be learning about God’s world. Throughout this topic, the children will begin to appreciate the beauty of the world and know that God made it. They will learn that God loves and cares for each one of us and reflect on this. They will hear about and respond to the things God created for us. They will know that God has asked us to care for the world and think of ways in which we can help to do it.

Reception started our ‘Celebration of Light’ week in wonderful style by working with Y6 to learn all about Blessed Carlo Acutis. We made a finger puppet of Blessed Carlo. #ThankyouY6 #AllSaints’DayCelebrations🙌🏼💙

We enjoyed making our ‘Festival of Light’ lights today...

Reception have worked hard on their Squiggle skills this half term... Super circle movements today #grossmotorskills🙌🏼💪🏼

After a reflective Celebration of the Word-Reception enjoyed peeling, chopping and creating yummy fruit kebabs in celebration of God’s wonderful creations. #ThankyouGod🙌🏼🌎💙🙌🏼🍇🍎🍉🍊🍌

It’s all about number 4...

We love dough disco...💪🏼🙌🏼💃🏽🕺🏼

With the help of Y6,Reception have written positive messages of Peace in their bottles…

We enjoyed exploring the outdoor area and looking at God’s creations...

After exploring the outdoor area and looking at God’s creations- we gathered together.

• We made the sign of the cross
• We sang Who put the colours in the rainbow

We sat in a circle, we lit a candle and remember that Jesus is the light of the world
• We passed around a heart to remember Jesus and that we all belong to God’s family

• We held the Bible in the air and sang Alleluia Alleluia Praise the Lord Alleluia Alleluia Praise the Lord as we listen to his story and we praise Him for his Glory Alleluia Alleluia Praise the Lord… We read from the Bible- God created the world and said, ‘Indeed it is very good’
Genesis 1:31 ).

  We talked about our Creation walk and all the beautiful colours in the world- We passed a basket of beautiful colours around the circle…We chose a colour and named something we like in God’s world which is that colour …green trees, blue sky.

We enjoy exploring our allotment area...

Thank you God ...for our busy hands...

Happy Birthday Mary 💙💛

We love dough disco and squiggle time...

Thank you God for our amazing bodies

Languages for Peace

Jackson Pollock inspired Splat Painting to celebrate the beautiful colours in God’s Creations.

Having fun in our castle.

Happy All Saints Day

Is there anyone like me ?
