Creation and Good to Be Me
God created the world and said, ‘Indeed it is very good’(Genesis 1:31 ).
The whole of Creation shows God love for us (Laudato Si’ 84–88 ).
This half term, the children will be learning about God’s world. Throughout this topic, the children will begin to appreciate the beauty of the world and know that God made it. They will learn that God loves and cares for each one of us and reflect on this. They will hear about and respond to the things God created for us. They will know that God has asked us to care for the world and think of ways in which we can help to do it.
With the help of Y6,Reception have written positive messages of Peace in their bottles…
We enjoyed exploring the outdoor area and looking at God’s creations...
After exploring the outdoor area and looking at God’s creations- we gathered together.
• We made the sign of the cross
• We sang Who put the colours in the rainbow
We sat in a circle, we lit a candle and remember that Jesus is the light of the world
• We passed around a heart to remember Jesus and that we all belong to God’s family
• We held the Bible in the air and sang ‘Alleluia Alleluia Praise the Lord Alleluia Alleluia Praise the Lord as we listen to his story and we praise Him for his Glory Alleluia Alleluia Praise the Lord… We read from the Bible- God created the world and said, ‘Indeed it is very good’
(Genesis 1:31 ).
We talked about our Creation walk and all the beautiful colours in the world- We passed a basket of beautiful colours around the circle…We chose a colour and named something we like in God’s world which is that colour …green trees, blue sky.
We enjoy exploring our allotment area...