"Living our Faith, Learning in Love"

"I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot, together we can do great things" Mother Teresa

"Love one another as I have loved you"John 13:34


Religion Activities

Miracles of Jesus


Watch the following video of Jesus feeding the 5000. 

Can the children create their own picture or story map to retell this miracle?

May is the month of Mary.

In school during May we would normally be preparing for the Crowing of Mary. Why not try making your own flowers for Mary or draw and colour a picture of her. 




Easter is a very special time. Why not try to make your own Easter garden. Use the document below to help you. You could also try the Easter activities attached too.

A prayer for children | CAFOD

During Easter, why not watch the following video and create your own prayer. You could even make your own video for the prayer. Once you have written or filmed your prayer, you could use it in your own prayer garden.

Holy Week Activities


  • CAFOD have lot of fantastic home learning packs for Holy Week this week. 
  • Create a prayer space in your house. Use this areas for prayer and reflection. Remember that purple is an important symbol during Lent. 
  • Singing

    Missing collective worship? Out of the Ark are providing free access to their wonderful songs during isolation. Give them a try!

