Autumn 2
God's Family
This half of the Autumn Term, the children will be learning about God’s Family.
The children are already aware that they belong to a family at home and now they are experiencing what it means to belong to the school family. Their friends and teachers are becoming increasingly important in their lives.
As we move towards Advent and Christmas we will begin to develop an awareness of our Church family.
You can help at home by:
Talking to your child about your family.
Sharing photographs and stories of family members and events the family has shared. These shared times are always very enjoyable.
Watching our All Saints’ Sunday Family Mass at 9.30am (see Parish website)
Having a little Advent wreath and lighting another candle each week with a prayer.
Enjoying the rich symbolism of the seasons – point out the Advent wreath, the Christmas tree and the crib.
Displaying a crib in your home.
Talking about the real meaning of Christmas.
Praying together as a family before bedtime and remembering to say thank
At Christmas we must remember Jesus is our gift from God. Jesus was sent to help us, teach us how to be good. How can we say thank you for this gift? Give your child an example “I can say Thank You to God by being a good friend...