"Living our Faith, Learning in Love"

"I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot, together we can do great things" Mother Teresa

"Love one another as I have loved you"John 13:34


Autumn 1

It's Good To Be Me

Who’s That Trip Trapping Over My Bridge?🐐👀

We enjoyed exploring the story The 3 Billy Goats Gruff…

Lots of wonderful active learning around the traditional tale ...🐐🐐🐐

In celebration of our topic God’s Wonderful World we made fruit kebabs today #Reception🌎🙏🏼 #Peel #Chop #Slice💪🏼 🍌🍇🫐🍐🍓🍒#ThankyouGod🌎💙

We love preparing and eating snack in Reception 💪🏼🤗😁😋

We have enjoyed exploring our Autumn Treasures...

We enjoy working independently or together in our area of learning …#busyfingers💪🏼🤗

💪🏼Building and Strengthening our Muscles💪🏼 

DoughDisco and Squiggle Whilst You Wiggle 

Reception have been thinking about God’s Wonderful World - How can we look after our beautiful planet🌏 ? #Prayer #OurWorld #God’sLove #Thankyou #LaudatoSi 🏖⛰🌈🌏🌺🍃🐾🐠🕸🐒

National Poetry Day... we are so proud of all the children. This morning they recited two poems for the whole school. What superstars 🤩

In Memory of Queen Elizabeth II... We made marmalade sandwiches and drank tea to remember Our Queen. The children then created beautiful portraits of the Queen.

Celebrating National Fitness Day ... we had lots of fun today and completed our first daily mile #keepinghealthy 💪🏻
