Autumn 1
It's Good To Be Me
Who’s That Trip Trapping Over My Bridge?🐐👀
We enjoyed exploring the story The 3 Billy Goats Gruff…
Lots of wonderful active learning around the traditional tale ...🐐🐐🐐
In celebration of our topic God’s Wonderful World we made fruit kebabs today #Reception🌎🙏🏼 #Peel #Chop #Slice💪🏼 🍌🍇🫐🍐🍓🍒#ThankyouGod🌎💙
We love preparing and eating snack in Reception 💪🏼🤗😁😋
We have enjoyed exploring our Autumn Treasures...
We enjoy working independently or together in our area of learning …#busyfingers💪🏼🤗
💪🏼Building and Strengthening our Muscles💪🏼
DoughDisco and Squiggle Whilst You Wiggle