The Church
As you know our RE topic this half term is ‘The Church’.
We have been talking about belonging to a ‘family’. By now the children have a real sense of ‘belonging’ to their class and school community. The children know they belong to a family at home, school and are beginning to learn that they belong to the Church family.
Please talk to your child about what they do at home to ‘help’ belong to their special family.
Do they help around the house or help to look after a pet? Please let us know by making a few notes or take a photo.
Many thanks for your continued support.
We have been finding out about Church. We know ‘Church’ is a Holy place where we gather together to pray to God.
“Holy, is very precious” Logan
“We can pray anywhere” Ollie
“When we pray we open our hearts to Jesus” Molly
We have been finding out about the special items and places in church.

We Belong ….
to a family a home
to a family at school
What do we do to help each other at home?
What do we do to help each other at school?
“Share toys with everyone” Emily
“Love one another by letting people play” Oliver
“Give smiles and hugs when people are sad” Harry
“Pick friends up if they have fallen over”Emana
“Kind hands” Dylan

During his lifetime, Jesus made Peter the leader of the Church to take over when he went back to heaven. Jesus said to Peter, “I say that you are Peter (the rock) and on this rock I will build my Church …. I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of heaven” (Matt 16:18-19).
We enjoyed re-telling the story...

Luke’s story of Pentecost based on Acts 2: 1-4.
After Jesus had gone back to his Father in heaven, his friends were sad. They missed him. They felt lonely and afraid without him. On Pentecost day, they were all together in the house. They began to feel different. Joy and happiness filled their hearts. It was wonderful. They knew that Jesus had kept his promise to send a new friend, the Holy Spirit.
To celebrate the feast of Pentecost we created 'Holy Spirit' headbands . We dressed in Red for our 'Pentecost Party'. We were filled with love joy and happiness. We are ready to spread the good news ....