Mark-Making at Home
Encourage your child to use a variety of tools and surfaces.
Experiment with thick/ thin lines, make curled, zig- zag and straight patterns
Encourage correct Letter orientation, make lists, invitations, cards, diary, comic strips, Model mark making and writing for your child.
Use a message board for communication with others, name writing, story writing-using books relating to themes.
Diagrams - labelled.
Book making
Play at 'the office/ Receptionist'
Explore large movements , make water patterns , use ‘chalk paint’ to mark make on large natural surfaces, use natural objects & body areas to mark make in mud, sand, gravel. Use body parts to mark make with different media
Use tyres, shoes, wheeled toys to make tracks
Use whiteboard/blackboard as scoreboard
Use natural resources for mark making & printing
Splatter painting, Graffiti wall, large scale letter formation .
Outdoor adventure / story books/ Map making for adventure