"Living our Faith, Learning in Love"

"I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot, together we can do great things" Mother Teresa

"Love one another as I have loved you"John 13:34




It is important children learn and use 'The Sign of The Cross.'  this is made with the right hand.


In the Name of The Father  (right hand on forehead)

And of The Son  (right hand on belly)

And of The Holy Spirit (right hand left shoulder, right hand right shoulder)

Amen  (hands joined)


In the nursery we also say, with the same actions

From my head

To my heart

from my shoulder, to my shoulder

Jesus loves me



Our School Prayer is integral to life at All Saints, help your child by saying Our School Prayer with them.


This is our school

Let peace bloom here

Let the rooms burst with happiness

Let love shine here

Love for each other

Love of life itself

And love of God



As we prepare for the birth of Jesus, there are lots of lovely advent activities you can do. But perhaps the most important preparation is to share the Nativity Story with your children. There are lots of quality Children's Picture Bibles available.


When sharing the stories always remember to talk about the pictures.


Ther are lots of videos available, including a nice one from the BBC, however if you search 'Nativity Story EYFS' there are lots more which you may all enjoy.


Please send Mr Ratchford any videos or photographs, he would love to see them! 

