Spring into Spring
Whole School Geography and Science Week
Understanding the World
We are involved in a whole school project about an important part of our local area
Carrington Moss
We will be asking the questions:
Why should we save Carrington Moss?
Why do we need to plant sunflowers in Ashton on Mersey?
We talked about where Carrington Moss is ?
We enjoyed using Google Earth...
Making 5 ...
Active Reading....
😋Pancake Day😋
We enjoyed measuring out the ingredients, mixing the batter and frying our delicious pancakes 🥞 After, we squeezed a lemon and sprinkled sugar over the top of the pancake. 😋Yum Yum 😋
After reading the story Mr Wolf's Pancake we challenged the children to help Mr Wolf in his mission to make pancakes...
"Children, I need help writing a shopping list, can you help me please?" Mr Wolf.
The children set to work straight away....
Pancake Bubble Printing
We enjoyed creating our own toppings for our pancake by pouring, mixing and blowing!!!
We had so much fun...