Physical Development
There are lots of simple and fun physical activities you can do to stay active.
We like dancing to songs, especially ' Shake your sillies out' which can be found on Youtube.
Other great exercise and learning videos available on you tube include, 'Jack Hartmann' Count to ten and count to 20. Plus many others.
'Koo koo Kangaroo' also available on YouTube have lots of active songs including one of our favourites 'Dinosaur Stomp!'
More Physical Development activites, taken from the EYFS include:
- Running safely
- Walking alongside an adult or sibling.
- Squats
- Climbing, garden equipment or stairs.
- Kicking catching and throwing a ball.
Physical Development activies with links to Health and Self Care include:
- Using cutlery
- Using the toilet correctly, pulling up your trousers and underwear.
- Putting on and taking of your coat. try putting the hood on first, then sliding the arms in one at a time. In Nursery we call this putting your coat on like Batman!
- When removing your coat, remember 'sleeves out' this make putiing your coat back on a lot easier.
- Again putting on and taking of a jumper is another great skill to learn, not only does it create independence, but when removing your own jumper you have to 'cross the middle line.' An essential requisite for early writing.
Most of these activities can incorporate turn taking, another great skill to practise with your children.