"Living our Faith, Learning in Love"

"I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot, together we can do great things" Mother Teresa

"Love one another as I have loved you"John 13:34


Summer Term 2021

What a wonderful year we have had

We had such a fun time today....

The Wedding at Cana

In our RE lessons we have been reading about some of the wonderful miracles that Jesus performed. We particularly enjoyed hearing about the Wedding at Cana and how Jesus turned the water into wine. We sat in the “hot seat” and took on the role of Mary. We asked her questions “what did she say to the servants? How did she feel when the wine was running out?”

We are learning to tell the time

Partner work in Phonics

This week marked the return Bitesize Bootcamp. We loved it!

We are looking at plants in our Science topic. We planted a bean seed and went onto the field to plant some seeds. We can’t wait to see what they grow into!

We have been using an atlas to find places that are far away

May crowning of Our Lady

We made our fruit salads in small groups and ate them during our afternoon picnic. The pineapple corer was very popular!

Commando Joe

Exploring fruit. We tried Some new fruits. We liked some more than others!😀

Working on multiplication by making groups.

Counting in 5s

Celebrating Earth Day

Counting in 2s outside

Commando Joe
