Year 1
⭐️ Welcome to our Year 1 Class page ⭐️
“I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot,
together we can do great things.”
Mother Theresa
Class teachers: Mrs Keegan & Miss Bowen
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Rough & Miss Smallman
We have 30 amazing children in our class and we are very much looking forward to our year ahead together.
“Love one another as I have loved you”
John 13:34
“Living our Faith, Learning in Love”

We loved performing our African dance & drumming in front of our Reception & Year 2 friends. Thank you Border Moves for a wonderful day

Our African drumming workshop with Border Moves - we had so much fun

We had a fabulous morning dancing with Georgina from Border Moves

After reading the story of Noah’s Ark we made some rainbow wrist bands to remind us of God’s special promise

A great outdoor PE session. Some fabulous shadow work copying our partner and we loved playing penguins and peacocks,

Practising our number bonds to 10 with Beat the Buzzer!

Hey You... some music and movement

We start our morning with Wake Up, Shake Up

We talked about question words, who, why, what, when, where and how. We sat the Gingerbread Man in the hot seat and asked him some questions. The children came up with some great ideas.

We have been reading the Gingerbread Man. We acted out the story thinking about the beginning, middle and end.

We have been learning about the story of Creation in RE, look at our wonderful work

We have been working very hard during our Phonics time

We run the daily mile each day to keep our body and mind healthy and active.

In our RE work we have been talking about God’s beautiful world and how we can help to look after it. We wrote lists of all the beautiful things around us including: flowers, new babies, birds/parrots, blue skies, rivers and baby animals. ❤️
At at lunch time each day we say a very special prayer to thank God.
”Thank you for the world so sweet,
thank you for the food we eat,
thank you for the birds that sing,
thank you God for everything.