Maths Activities
White Rose Lessons
Here are the links to the White Rose Week 4 Lessons. Watching the video before completing the sheet will be very useful.
Week 8 activities.
WB: 29.6.2020
Arrays, Doubling, Grouping & Sharing
Please use the following documents to complete this weeks maths.
Week 7 activities
wb 22.6.20
(we are a little behind on the resources because of our 2 weeks holiday)
Week 6 activities
wb - 15.6.2020
Telling the time
In Year 1 we learn o'clock and half past the hour. The following video helps children to understand time. Learning the time can be tricky so learning it in different ways and lots of practise is perfect!
White Rose Maths
White rose upload weekly work. This is very good practise for the children. The website has lots of great video to explain the work too.
Online Activities
For the next few weeks, Carol Vordermans maths website `Maths Factor` website if free. It has lots of activities for the children to complete.
Oxfordowl- There's plenty of activities on this website. It allows the children to apply their maths knowledge to different games,
Scrabble Maths
Can the children spell a variety of different word...any that you choose! The children the need to add up the total of the word. It could be turned into a group game. Who could make the word with the highest total.
Maths Around The House
Maths is all around our house. Children completing practical activites and real life maths problems can really help to improve their understanding. Try some of these games.