Summer 2
The Great Outdoors
A fabulous Sports Day...
We have enjoyed making thank you cards with Year 6 for our parish family...
We have had the most wonderful day at Smithills farm ...
Subitizing and Addition ...👏🏼
We are Church detectives...
We had a fabulous Red Day ...
This week we have continued to find out about our local area and community. We enjoyed walking around Ashton on Mersey looking for the special landmark we have been learning about in class. Please ask your child about our wonderful walk …
Also, this week we have continued to develop our Sharing and Grouping skills - which are both different methods of division.
This week we have taken part in lots of Grouping activities
Grouping involves dividing a set by placing a certain number of items in each group.
This week we have started to develop our knowledge about mini beasts… The children wanted to discover more about snails…
We have enjoyed exploring spiral pattern by sharing the book Swirl by Swirl…
Over the next few weeks we will be exploring Sharing and Grouping- which are both different methods of division.
Sharing involves dividing a set equally between a certain number of groups.
Grouping involves dividing a set by placing a certain number of items in each group.
This week we have enjoyed developing an understanding of sharing. We have investigated what sharing is and described equal sharing as fair and unequal sharing as unfair.
Celebrating the start of the Euros2024 ⚽️🏴👏🏼