"Living our Faith, Learning in Love"

"I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot, together we can do great things" Mother Teresa

"Love one another as I have loved you"John 13:34



Please scroll down to see what we have been doing this term.

Also,please click on the yellow links below...

Spring 2

We had a wonderful time with our family members at our Easter craft afternoon...

Super active Maths this week ...

Mother’s Day Afternoon Tea...

We are preparing for Mother’s Day...

Exploring 3D shapes...

The Gingerbread Man

We have enjoyed exploring the Gingerbread Man story this week.

We have challenged ourselves by helping the Gingerbread Man cross the river and escape Mr Fox 🦊...

We have enjoyed retelling the story of the Gingerbread Man

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World Book Day 

Once Upon a Dream

We enjoyed a number of wonderful activities during our world book day celebrations... 

*We created our own ‘Book in a Jar’ with our parents

*We dressed in our pyjamas 

*We enjoyed sharing our bedtime tales with Y6 and Y1

*We retold a fairy tale through song and movement 

*We decorated our own pillowcase... 

Wowers so much fun👏🏼💪🏼📚🌟🌟

We have enjoyed exploring weight this week...

Mr Wolf's Pancakes

Thank you Reception for helping Mr Wolf to write a shopping list to make a pancake ...

After we bought the ingredients we were ever so excited to make our own pancakes...

🌼Daffodils 🌼 

We looked carefully at our beautiful daffodils. We talked about the different parts of the flower and what the daffodil needs to grow. 🌼☀️💦 

We then enjoyed creating a painting of these beautiful flowers...

☀️Games in the Sunshine ☀️ 

What a super start to our PE curriculum for this half term... ‘Games’

We are looking forward to trying new skills...

Spring 1

I love it when...

Counting with love...

Transient Love themed Art...


Kung Hei Fat Choy 

We have had the most fabulous day celebrating 🥳 Chinese New Year 🧧 

Year of the pig🐷


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Dragon 🐉 Parade...

Chinese Banquet 🧧🐉🎊😋

We have enjoyed celebrating 🥳Chinese New Year 🎊❤️

We retold the story of The Great Race 🐭🐰🐯🐸🐒🐷🐮🦁🐔🐁🐂🐲

Super floor and apparatus work this week!! We have been developing our jumping,rolling,balancing and travelling skills. We then used these skills to create a sequence. Fabulous work...


The children have been learning about e-safety to help them understand how to keep themselves safe when using the internet and other electronic devices. 

We had a discussion about the internet...


We enjoyed learning a rhyme to help us remember what we should do before using the internet..."Before you CLICK CLICK CLICK

               You need to THINK THINK THINK

                and tell someone..."


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Science Workshop

All About Me

We enjoyed learning all about our bones. We put together our own skeleton...

We found out about our fingerprints...
We have been thinking about what we need to eat to help keep us healthy! We decided to write a fruitful shopping list  🍇 🍉 
Mrs Murphy went shopping and bought our favourite fruits 🍇 🍈 . We then peeled washed,chopped and sliced the fruits. Finally we enjoyed creating a smoothie drink...

This week in gymnastics, we used a beanbag to help keep our legs together and straight when performing a pencil role... tricky work but we did it 👏🏼👏🏼🌟🌟

We added a new move to our gymnastic skills... balancing...
We then used our skills to perform a sequence whilst using the apparatus... roll 🌟jump🌟 balance🌟...

We have been working hard during our gymnastic sessions . We have been developing our gymnastic techniques. This week we thought carefully about moving our body parts in the correct way when performing a tuck roll, pencil roll, tuck jump and pencil jump. We then chose two moves and put them together to make a sequence. After, we performed our sequence to our friends.

We then enjoyed working on the equipment... thinking carefully about the skills we had learned.    

We have been thinking carefully about our body parts and how they help us to move and work.

We drew around one of our class members ...it was great fun. After , we drew around each other. We tried to label our body parts...

Germ Busters...

We enjoyed a visit from our school nurse Carol. She talked to us about the importance of washing our hands. We know we should wash our hands after going to the toilet, petting animals, before meals and playing outside. When we sneeze we should use a tissue.


Also, Carol brought some wonderful equipment that tested our hearing. We then took it in turns to be measured and weighed . 

Gymnastics Week 1 #stretching #warmup #tuckroll #pencilroll #tuckjump #penciljump #teamwork #cooldown...

We enjoyed a visit from our school nurse ...

Carol talked to us about washing our hands ... Please ask your child about this!