"Living our Faith, Learning in Love"

"I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot, together we can do great things" Mother Teresa

"Love one another as I have loved you"John 13:34





Learn how mountains are formed and explore the highest mountains in the UK and mountain ranges across the world including The Rockies and The Himalayas.

This lesson includes:

  • one animation about mountain ranges and how they're formed

  • one child-led short film exploring life in the Himalayas

  • three activities to build on the knowledge

Click on the link below to be redirected to the BBC website and explore these mountain ranges.


Longitude and Latitude

Learn about latitude and longitude including the equator, hemispheres, prime meridian and Greenwich meridian.

Using the link attached to the BBC website, discover what 'longitude and latitude' means and complete the quiz and activities. Good Luck!


Weather and Climate

Learn about the weather and climate in the UK and around the world including an introduction to climate zones and climate change.

Using the link attached, discover what climate zones are and complete the quiz and activities. 


Time Zones


Following the BBC lessons, learn about the different time zones across the world. Watch the videos and complete the quiz to see what you have learned. There is also an activity you can try; fill in the time zones for different countries. 

Use this Link to find the web page. 


Make a Papier-Mâché Globe

You can create a papier-mâché globe by using newspaper strips, a balloon and coloured paints to show land and water and add borders and labels. Using the link attached, you can follow the instructions about how to create your very own globe!




Make a Map. 

On your walks this week, take note of your local road names and what your local surroundings look like, for example, any trees, shops, schools or fields. Create your own local map focussing on the areas surrounding your home and have a family member or friend try to use the map to reach a particular destination. Talk about the ways in which the map was difficult to use.

An example:



Rivers Quiz

  • Using the link, you can complete a quiz asking the whereabouts of rivers around the world. Test your knowledge and see if you can remember what we have learned. There are plenty of other quizzes on the website if you want to test your knowledge on previous topics you have learned. 