Relationships, Sex and Health Education
Mission Statement
‘Living our Faith, Learning in Love’
Defining Relationship, Sex and Health Education
The Department for Education guidance defines this as “lifelong learning about physical, moral and emotional development. It is about the understanding of the importance of marriage and family life, stable and loving relationships, respect, love and care. It is also about the teaching of sex, sexuality and sexual health”. It is about the development of the pupil’s knowledge and understanding of her or him as a sexual being, about what it means to be fully human, called to live in right relationships with self and others and being enabled to make moral decisions in conscience.
The DFE identifies three main elements: “attitudes and values, personal and social skills, and knowledge and understanding”. (Sex and Relationship Education Guidance, DfE, 2000)
‘I have come that you might have life and have it to the full’ (Jn.10.10)
Our belief in the unique dignity of the human person as made in the image and likeness of God underpins the approach to all education in our school. Our approach to RSE therefore, is rooted in the Catholic Church’s teaching of the human person and is presented positively and prudently.
At the heart of the Christian life is the Trinity, Father, Son and Spirit in communion, united in a loving relationship and embracing all people and all creation. As a consequence of the Christian belief that we are made in the image and likeness of God, gender and sexuality are seen as God’s gift, reflect God’s beauty, and share in the divine creativity. RSHE will therefore be placed firmly within the context of relationship as it is there that sexuality grows and develops.
We acknowledge that Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) and Citizenship, as well as RSHE, are all underpinned by a theology of relationship and are all encompassed in the title ‘Relationships Sex and Health Education’.
Stemming from this vision of what it means to be human, we seek to educate the whole child: spiritually, intellectually, morally, emotionally, psychologically, and physically towards our understanding of Christian maturity.
RSHE will be in accordance with the Church’s moral teaching. It will emphasise the central importance of relationships, marriage and the family whilst acknowledging that all pupils have a fundamental right to have their life respected whatever kind of household they come from and support will be provided to help pupils deal with different sets of values.
Aims of Relationship, Sex and Health Education:
• To raise pupils’ awareness about relationships – with themselves, with God and with each other,
• To deepen understanding of what it means to love – themselves, God, family and each other,
• To encourage pupils’ growth in self -respect, acknowledging we are all created in the image and likeness of God,
• To help pupils develop an understanding that love is the central basis of relationships,
• To help pupils to understand the nature of relationships and to encourage them to reflect on their own relationships and respect differences between people,
• To develop pupils’ confidence in talking, listening and thinking about feelings and relationships,
• To help pupils’ confidence in talking, listening and thinking about feelings and relationships,
• To help pupils acquire the skills necessary to develop and sustain relationships.
• To offer sex education in the wider context of relationships,
• To ensure that pupils protect themselves and ask for help and support when needed,
• To ensure that pupils are prepared for puberty and to help pupils to develop a healthier, safer lifestyle.
- We want everyone to feel included, respected and safe in our school. We will not tolerate verbal abuse or sexual harassment, which includes name calling and sexist comments (comments which discriminate against someone’s sex or any stereotypes).
- All staff and pupils are encouraged to call out and report this behaviour. If a pupils makes these comments we will:
- Ask them to apologise to anyone the comment was directed at
- Support and educate them to improve their behaviour
- Monitor their behaviour for any recurrence
- Escalate the sanction to a red card if the pupil refuses to apologise
- Both our PSHE and RSHE curriculums cover what healthy and respectful behaviour looks like.
RSHE is taught through the diocesan recommended resource ‘A Journey in Love’. It has been written as a progressive scheme of work that supports the Religious Education, PSHE and Science curriculum taught within the school.
All elements of PSHE and Citizenship, whilst non-statutory at Key Stage 1 and 2, are covered. Significant aspects of RSE remain part of the National Curriculum for Science and these will be taught to all pupils.
Throughout ‘A Journey in Love’, an aspect of the mystery of love is focussed upon in each year group. The content is age appropriate and is taught with sensitivity. Children are encouraged to marvel at the wonder and beauty of God’s creative love. This is reflected in each stage of a person’s growth in the Primary Years through a series of suggested, progressive and developmental tasks, activities and reflections which focus on physical, social, emotional, intellectual and spiritual development.
As with all aspects of learning, children are naturally curious and many will have questions related to their lessons. Opportunities to discuss questions form part of the lessons and again these are treated with care and understanding. ‘A Journey in Love’ highlights the importance of parental input and children will be told to discuss their lessons at home.
Year Group ‘Journey in Love’ Scheme
Wonder at God’s love - Children begin to know and understand they are part of the wonder of God’s love and creation.
God loves each of us in our uniqueness - Children know and understand that God has made them unique and that although we are different, we are all special to him.
Year 1
We meet God’s love in our family - Children know and understand that they are growing and developing as member of their own family and God’s family.
Year 2
We meet God’s love in the community - Children know and understand that they are growing and developing in a God given community.
Year 3
How we live in love - Children know and understand that the virtues essential to friendship, e.g. loyalty, responsibility and experience. The importance of forgiving and being forgiven and of celebrating God’s forgiveness.
Year 4
God loves us in our differences - Children know and understand that they are all different and celebrate these differences as they appreciate that Gods love accepts us as we are and as we change
Year 5
God loves me in my changing and development - Children know and become aware of the physical and emotional changes that accompany puberty – sensitivity, mood swings, anger, boredom, etc. And grow further in their understanding of God’s presence in their daily lives.
Year 6
The wonder of God’s love in creating new life - Children develop, in an appropriate way for their age, an understanding of sexuality and grow further in their appreciation of their dignity and worth as children of God.
Parents and Carers
We recognise that parents (and other carers who stand in their place) are the primary educators of their children. As a Catholic school, we provide the principal means by which the Church assists parents and carers in educating their children. Parents/carers will be informed when RSHE will be covered in order that they can be prepared to talk and answer questions about their children’s learning.
Responsibility for teaching the programme
We acknowledge that every area of school life can potentially contribute to RSHE as the school, of its very nature operates through positive human relationships. We recognise value and greatly appreciate the contribution made by all members of staff in deepening the quality of our Christian community.
Teachers will use their professional judgement when addressing issues in RSHE. Careful consideration will be given to the wide and varied experience and backgrounds of the pupils in their care.
All staff will be involved in developing the attitudes and values aspect of the RSHE programme. They will be role models for pupils of good, healthy, wholesome relationships as between staff, other adults and pupils. They will also be contributing to the development of pupils’ personal and social skills.
Inclusion and differentiated learning
We will ensure RSHE is sensitive to the different needs of individual pupils in respect to pupils’ different abilities, levels of maturity and personal circumstances; for example, sexual orientation, faith or culture and is taught in a way that does not subject pupils to discrimination. Lessons will also help children to realise the nature and consequences of discrimination, teasing, bullying and aggressive behaviours (including cyber-bullying), use of prejudice-based language and how to respond and ask for help. Pupils with difficulties whether of a physical or intellectual nature will receive appropriately differentiated support in order to enable them to achieve mature knowledge, understanding and skills. Teaching methods will be adapted to meet the varying needs of this group of pupils.
Equalities Obligations
The Governing Body have wider responsibilities under the Equalities Act 2010 and will ensure that our school strives to do the best for all the pupils.
Assessment, Recording and Reporting
A record is kept in teacher’s planning of the delivery of RSHE. The programme is assessed, monitored and evaluated in accordance with the school’s monitoring and evaluation policy. Pupils are given the opportunity for self-evaluation at an appropriate level for each year group.
Outside Agencies
The expertise of outside agencies may be used appropriately to support but not at the expense of the school’s delivery.
Safeguarding Procedures
The school has procedures to deal with any sensitive issues or children thought to be vulnerable. Staff will pass on any concerns of this nature to the designated child protection officer in school.
The Governing Body
The Governing body and Foundation Governors recognise their responsibility to ensure the RSHE programme follows Diocesan principles and reflects the Church’s teaching.
The role of Parents
The Church has always recognised that it is the privilege and the responsibility of parents to educate and inform their children in all matters pertaining to personal growth and development particularly in the sensitive area of their moral education and sexual development. The Church also recognises that many parents require help and support in this task from both schools and parishes.
The Governing Body fully subscribes to the views expressed by the Bishops’ Conference and will always ensure that:
• Parents are supported in their task.
• Parents are consulted and kept informed of the RSHE Programme; its contents, evaluation and review and any subsequent developments.
Right of Withdrawal
It is our hope that parents would wish their children to be involved in the school’s positive and prudent programme of RSHE, following annual consultation regarding the school’s approach. However, we recognise parents have the right to withdraw their children from such lessons (not included in National Curriculum Science) after discussion with the Headteacher.
Monitoring and Review
This policy will be monitored annually by the RSHE Co-ordinator and will be reviewed annually by the Governing Body. Parents will be consulted before any proposed changes.
The Head teacher takes overall delegated responsibility for the implementation of this policy and for liaison with the Governing Body, parents, the Diocesan Schools’ Service and the Local Education Authority, also appropriate agencies.
This policy is reviewed annually May 2023
Appendix 1
RSHE and Religious Education (The Way, The Truth and The Life)
RSE is relevant in the following topics of the RE curriculum:
- God’s World (EYFS) – We are part of God’s family
- God’s Great Plan (Year One) – God loves us
- Mysteries (Year Two) - God’s gift to us is Jesus
- The Christian Family (Year Three) – The Church is the family of God
- The Bible (Year Four) – God’s story of love
- Creation (Year Five) – God’s gifts to us
- The Kingdom of God (Year Six) – Values of the Kingdom of God
- Advent/Christmas – Loving: gift
- Getting to know Jesus (EYFS) –Showing love to others
- Families and Celebrations (Year One) – Families/Churches family
- Following Jesus (Year One) - Friendships
- The Good News (Year Two) – Helping others
- Sacrament of Reconciliation (Year Three) - Forgiveness
- Jesus the Teacher (Year Four)- Lent is an opportunity to make changes for the better.
- Inspirational People (Year Five) – Jesus’ Mission and The Beautitudes
- Reconciliation (Year Five) - Forgiveness
- Exploring the Mass (Year Six) – Commandments – Jn 13:34 –“Love one another; as I have loved you.”
- Our Church Family (EYFS) – That we all belong to God’s Family.
- The Resurrection (Year One) – Disciples reaction to what happened during Easter.
- Eastertide (Year Two) – To hear and reflect on the story OF Easter.
- Celebrating Easter and Pentecost (Year Three) – To hear and live out the message of Easter.
- The Church (Year Four) – Belonging to a community.
- Other Faiths (Year Five) – Being friends with people of other faiths.
- Called to Serve (Year Six) – Responding to God’s Call.
- Relationships and Sex Education Policy 10
Appendix 2
RSHE and Science in the National Curriculum
Key Stage 1
Year 1
Animals, including humans
Pupils should be taught to:
- identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body and say which part
of the body is associated with each sense.
Year 2
Animals, including humans
Pupils should be taught to:
- notice that animals, including humans, have offspring which grow into adults
- find out about and describe the basic needs of animals, including humans, for survival
(water, food and air)
- describe the importance for humans of exercise, eating the right amounts of different
types of food, and hygiene.
Non-statutory Guidance
Pupils should be introduced to the basic needs of animals for survival, as well as the importance of exercise and nutrition for humans. They should also be introduced to the processes of reproduction and growth in animals. The focus at this stage should be on:
- questions that help pupils to recognise growth; they should not be expected to understand how reproduction occurs.
The following examples might be used: growing into adults can include reference to baby, toddler, child, teenager, adult.
Pupils might work scientifically by: observing, through video or first-hand observation and measurement, how different animals, including humans, grow.
Key Stage 2
Year 3 - No content linked to RSE
Year 4 - No content linked to RSE
Year 5
Living things and their habitats
Pupils should be taught to:
- describe the life process of reproduction in some plants and animals.
Non-statutory guidance
Pupils should find out about different types of reproduction, including sexual reproduction in animals. They might observe changes in an animal over a period of time (for example, by hatching and rearing chicks), comparing how different animals reproduce and grow.
Animals, including humans
Pupils should be taught to:
- describe the changes as humans develop to old age.
Non-statutory guidance
Pupils should draw a timeline to indicate stages in the growth and development of humans.
They should learn about the changes experienced in puberty.
Pupils could work scientifically by researching the gestation periods of other animals and
comparing them with humans; by finding out and recording the length and mass of a baby as
it grows.
Year 6 - No content linked to RSHE