Week 12 (Wk Beg 22.6.20) Summary of Learning from Hamiliton Trust lessons
Week 12 (22.6.20) Great lessons. Banksy is a super artist to learn about.
Week 11 (Wk Beg 15.6.20) Summary of learning from the Hamilton Trust
Week 11 (Wk Beg 15.6.20) Please find lessons from the Hamilton Trust.
Week 10-(Week Beginning 8/6/20) English Lessons from the Hamilton Trust
Week 9 (Wk Beg 18.5.20) English lessons from Hamilton Trust
Week 8 (Wk beg 11.5.20) Some really interesting lessons from the Hamilton Trust, especially for Year 5. Speech and song writing.
Week 7 ((Wk Beg 4/5/20): Write from an historical perspective. Choose EITHER someone on board the Titanic (Postcard 2Do available on Purple Mash) OR write the diary entry of a wartime evacuee after listening to their stories on the links.
Week 6 (Wk beginning 27/4/20) - Find out about The Titanic (see History page). Design and make a Persuasive Poster encouraging people to travel aboard this Luxury liner. You can record any research you do on the 2Do on Purple Mash.
Week 6-Practise your editing skills by improving this piece of writing
The Legend of St George
Writing Mats-You might find these helpful when you write for your Time Capsule!
Remember the magnitude of these times
Week 3 (Wk Beginning 4.3.2020):
Make a COVID Time Capsule
You will need:
- A suitable box or container for storage
- Lots of memorabilia
- Tape or string to seal
- Bin bag to waterproof
- An attic or secret cupboard for storage/or garden for burial!
- Lots of patience (so you don’t open your time capsule too soon)
What to do:
- Collect pieces of memorabilia (see list below)
- Place everything safely in the container
- Secure the container with tape or string
- Place it in a bin bag or plastic bag
- Store securely in an attic, basement, garden or secret Harry Potter cupboard
- Wait 10 years...can you do it??
- Open your time capsule in a decade and be amazed at what’s inside!
Memorabilia to include:
Here’s our list of things your children’s Corona virus time capsule could include: –
- a local paper with Covid-19 headlines
- a 2020 dated coin
- a national newspaper
- a drawing of the family including pets, names, ages etc
- memorabilia from a day in the garden or nature
- a note from each family member with memorable events from recent times
- photos of today
- a packet of seeds from 2020 (who thinks they’ll grow in 10 years?!)
- a letter to themselves including date, age, friends, feelings, favourite things, worries, future plans etc
- A 2020 postage stamp
- a painted pebble with the date on
- a letter from a grandparent
- a current magazine
- children’s handprints to show how much they’ve grown
- a couple of bits of clean toilet paper and a hand wipe for humour!
- photos of family members doing crazy things…
Week 2: 1. EITHER Write a Book Recommendation OR a Film Review. Both of these are available to do as 2Dos on Purple Mash.
2. Click on the link below and read the 50 Things to Do in Your Back Garden. Can you write your own Top Ten Guide of Things That Can Be Done Outside (observing social distancing advice) ?