"Living our Faith, Learning in Love"

"I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot, together we can do great things" Mother Teresa

"Love one another as I have loved you"John 13:34


Reading Activities

Reading Comprehension 

WB 22.6.2020


Try some of the comprehensions below. 


Story Books. 


Here are a couple of stories that talk about lockdown. Why not have a look. 


Oxford Owl have a great breakdown on the important of reading and understanding the text. If you scroll to the bottom, there are some activities that the children can complete.


Here are some comprehension questions for the children to complete. Choose whicheverone you like!

Audio Books


During this tricky time, David Walliams has released 30 free Audio Books.




Phonics is very important to helping the children to learn to read. Have a go at some of the following activities below. 

  • Top Marks- Phonics games
  • Purple Mash - There are lots of spelling games on purple mash. 
  • Read Write Inc have added a video for set 2 and set 3 sounds. This is a fantastic daily activity to help them to remember their sounds. 
  • Try the phonics sheets below if you'd like