Year 3
Great support for each other at sports day.
Learning about the Good Samaritan through drama.
Exploring amazing magnets in year 3 . Understanding repel and attract.
Team work in maths
Collective worship in year 3. Spreading the good news that Jesus has risen.
Our wonderful Holy Communion celebration
Enjoying the daily mile in the sunshine ☀️
Tree planting in year 3 to help the environment 😊😊🌲🌲
Planning our collective worship in year 3
New beginnings, celebrating the start of Lent in year 3
The children have had an amazing week researching,designing and making their cars. Some fabulous creations.
Welcome to Year 3!
Teacher: Mrs Flanagan
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Moores.
In year 3 we have 31 fabulous children. We will update this page with the children's learning and achievements during the school year.
Starting our day with a dance to get our minds and bodies ready for the day ahead.
Happy new year and welcome back to our spring term. We have got straight back into our learning and it's great to see the efforts put in by the children. This week we started our new topic of 'Rocks' in science. The children became geologists and were comparing and describing different rocks.