English as an Additional Language
English as an Additional Language (EAL) Policy
At All Saints’, we will do all that we can to meet the full range of needs of those pupils who are learning English as an additional language (EAL). It is our intention that those children will be given the support they need to build their knowledge, skills and understanding of English so that they can benefit from all that this school offers to its pupils. We will enable them to integrate fully as confident and valuable members of the school community.
1. To provide a warm, welcoming and supportive ethos for pupils with EAL
2. To ensure that we are aware of any relevant issues in their lives and background that must be taken into account when assessing their needs as learners
3. To value their cultural background and current linguistic skills as great assets to the cultural diversity of our school community as they develop their competency in English at the same time as learning about British values.
4. To develop EAL pupils’ knowledge, skills and understanding of speaking, listening, reading and writing to enable them to have full and equal access to all aspects of the education that this school offers to all pupils.
5. To ensure that pupils with English as an additional language are carefully assessed to establish their capabilities in English and all other subjects of the curriculum, to identify their full range of strengths and the areas of learning that need to be developed.
6. To provide, where possible, bilingual support to help pupils in the early stages of learning English.
7. To provide appropriate support for the smooth integration of EAL pupils into the school community, so that they can build friendships with others to develop their linguistic, social, personal and interpersonal skills
1. We will provide a wide range of good opportunities for children to engage in speaking and listening activities in English with peers and adults
2. We will ensure that EAL pupils are given effective opportunities for listening and talking, and that these will be used to support reading and writing
3. We will give EAL pupils access to a wide and appropriate range of reading materials that highlight the different ways in which English is used and to extend their knowledge of children’s literature including poetry, stories, rhymes and songs.
4. We will ensure that all EAL pupils have full access to the school curriculum by using accessible texts and materials that suit children’s ages and levels of learning.
5. We will give EAL pupils access to a wide range of additional support.
6. We will build children’s self-confidence by encouraging them to transfer their knowledge, skills and understanding of one language to another, by building on their experiences of language at home and in the wider community, so that their developing uses of English and their competences in other languages support one another.
7. Where possible we will provide bilingual support to extend children’s working vocabulary, to support their learning across all of the subjects of the curriculum and to enable them to join in the social and extracurricular activities.
8. We will use any additional funding to which EAL pupils are entitled, including Pupil Premium Grant and Sports Grants, as further opportunities to support the development of their skills in English.
9. Teachers and teaching assistants will work to identify individual needs and support accurate recording of attainment and progress, in line with the school policy for assessment.
10. We will work in partnership with, parents and carers to involve them with their child’s education in order that they may participate in and support the work of the school.
11. Only where it is in the pupil’s best interest will we withdraw him/her from lessons to receive EAL support.
Pupils with EAL will make good progress and achieve high standards as they develop their knowledge, skills and understanding of English. Their growing competency and understanding of English will ensure that they benefit fully from all that we offer to every child in our school. We will ensure that their additional linguistic skills are recognised and valued and that their increasing understanding and communication skills enable them to become fully integrated members of the school community and of the wider local and national community.