Mental Health & Wellbeing
Positive mental health and wellbeing is a priority for all who work in our school. Mrs Fagan and Mrs Flanagan are both qualified as Mental Health First Aiders and are always available to offer extra support or advice for families.
At All Saints' we....
- are committed to supporting the emotional health and wellbeing of our pupils, their families and our staff.
- know that life presents many challenges and that everyone experiences and manages these slightly differently and that at times these challenges make us feel vulnerable. Anyone may need additional emotional support. We feel that positive mental health is everyone's business and we all have a role to play.
At All Saints' we....
- help our children to recognise and understand their emotions and feelings
- help our children feel comfortable to share their concerns or worries
- help our children to form positive relationships
- help our children to see how special they are just for being themselves
- help our children to 'have a go', knowing that our school is a place where it is 'safe to fail'
- help our children to be emotionally resilient and deal with 'set-backs' effectively
Levels of Support
Universal Support - meeting the needs of all our children through our ethos and curriculum
Additional Support - for those who may have a short term need or who may have had a difficulty which has made them vulnerable, such as a bereavement
Targeted Support - for those individuals or families who need more differentiated support and resources, or specific targeted interventions, possibly to include external, specialist services
Trafford have a wealth of information to support families. For information on the support available from the other agencies within Trafford, click on this link:
Winston's Wish is a wonderful resource to help support a bereaved child:
Another really useful website full of information to you to manage your own mental health and wellbeing is 'Get Self Help' which you can access by searching for:
Mrs Fagan and Mrs Flanagan have a stock of very useful books and information in school. If you would like to borrow a book, please call us at school.