"Living our Faith, Learning in Love"

"I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot, together we can do great things" Mother Teresa

"Love one another as I have loved you"John 13:34


Sorry and Joy

Walking in the footsteps of Jesus...

We enjoyed welcoming our family members to our Prayer and Peace area to follow in the footsteps of Jesus...

We enjoyed inviting our parents to a Stay and Pray session . Our theme was ‘Everyone is Welcome’ ...

Jesus’ entry to Jerusalem...

Still image for this video

We have been exploring the bible story of Zacchaeus. 

After spending time with Jesus , Zacchaeus feels a changed man. We to can spend time with Jesus by talking to him...


Who’s that sitting in the sycamore tree ...

Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Our Lenten Journey 



During LENT we spend time getting ready for EASTER

During Lent, we try to ‘give up’ or ‘stop having’ something we like. It might be chocolate or playing with a special toy.

We do this to remember Jesus’ struggles in the desert, when he didn’t have food or drink and also to see if we can resist being tempted, like Jesus did in the desert.


Lent is a time when we try to ‘grow’ in a special way: to grow ‘inside’. We know we cannot see the growing happen, but it does! We grow in love, goodness, kindness, helpfulness – this happens ‘inside’ us. Lent is also a special time when we think about Jesus and how he grew. We will try to grow more like him.


Our Lenten challenge in Reception is to ‘do’ something extra during this special time…

How can we grow and become more like Jesus?


During collective worship we talked about this... I will...


Tidy up my toys


Go to bed as soon as mummy asks



Help to set the table before tea time


Help wash the car


Be kind to my brother


During the season of Lent, in class each day a child will be awarded with a ‘Kindness Certificate’.


Throughout the year we have been talking about ‘Gospel Values’ . One of these values is ‘Kindness’. We know the children can be extremely kind to each other.

We have recognised these acts of kindness with this special award.


We know it is not always easy to be kind. If we hurt our friends or family members we can say sorry by…

“giving a hug” “shaking hands” “giving a kiss” “shaking hands” “make them a card”

“high five”

We can say sorry in different ways

I know that Jesus will forgive me if I am sorry.





Father Ned came to see us, to talk about Lent...